Docker-Native continuous integration and delivery with Wercker


Methodologies & Tools

Date and time

Thursday, 11. May 2017., 12:10


Hall A



Docker started as an open source project to build single-app Linux containers. Since then, Docker has taken off as an extensively used development tool and runtime environment. Docker has also important role in born and implementation of DevOps. DevOps provides the structure (continuous integration, continuous delivery, infrastructure as a code, etc.) that enables to get all type of changes (including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes, etc.) into production quickly and safely in a sustainable way.

However agile development methods have helped solve the problem of misunderstood requirements, but short sprint cycles have only made the deployment problem more critical especially in case of cloud computing. This means that newly added features need to be ready to go, and deploying those changes to the cloud has to happen fast, and without hard-coded dependencies on a specific set of servers. As the code travels from the developer’s machine to production, there are many different environments it has to go through to get there. Each of these may have minor differences along the way. Docker provides a consistent environment for the application from dev through production, easing the code development and deployment pipeline.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Experience Level: No experience
Desirable listeners function: Developer , Project leader

About speaker